Monday, February 27, 2006

For breakfast

For breakfast these days I eat maybe 10 Wheat Thins, with slices of Van Gogh smoked gouda cheese on them, and cappucino I make on my Capresso machine.


Blogger Jack said...

What kind of smoked gouda do you get? I decided I'm going to go to the cheese shop more.

Also, how do you like your capresso machine? Does it produce adequate crema for your espressos?

3:14 PM  
Blogger SC said...

I love the capresso. It took a while to get good at steaming.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Jack said...

Speaking of steaming and things, I got a rice cooker, and I'm pretty good at steaming things - dumplings, mostly, but I could all be steaming up some shumai or some vegetable or something, too. I have deficiencies with the rice. A lot of it winds up stuck together.

Why isn't there some rudimentary home economics course run at the YMHA? I would love to take it!

3:20 PM  

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