Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Helpful Fun Corner

last night SC got the hiccoughs. some ways he went about trying to cure them:

1. drinking water while bending over (a good old standard)
2. demanding that VDC or myself punch him in the stomach as hard as we could. VDC's efforts were labeled "not hard enough."
3. failing this, SC punching himself repeatedly in the stomach and chest. hard.
4. standing on head, with wall as support, and demanding that VDC or myself pour wine down his throat. (not obliged.)

i don't think any of these were a success. how do other food reporters get rid of hiccoughs?


Blogger Jack said...

Conrad, in fairness to SC, you may have a greater natural gift for relaxation than others. SC particularly.

5:35 AM  
Blogger SC said...

I'd like to point out that all my techniques would have worked if I'd gotten a little assistance (wine and punches) instead of a lot of lip.

8:26 AM  
Blogger Zachary said...

I hold my breath for 30 seconds and it always works. Other people have found this to be difficult, because if you hiccough during the 30 seconds, you exhale and then must start over. Failing this, I usually punch myself in the face.

10:03 AM  
Blogger SC said...

I have a dreadful fear of hiccups, because my dad claims to have once gotten the hiccups for TWO DAYS! This happened in China, where you'd think they'd have some great Eastern remedy like eating a root or putting a pin in your hiccup.

10:17 AM  
Blogger Zachary said...

There was once a guy who hiccoughed for 30 years. Maybe it was a woman.

10:40 AM  
Blogger SC said...

I heard that woman killed herself finally, and then the next day, doctors doing the autopsy were like "too bad - her hiccups were going to go away TOMORROW!" that might just be an urban legend though.

3:36 PM  

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