Thursday, May 18, 2006

Guest log 5/17

Breakfast: 1 bowl Kellogg's raisin bran, with plain Silk

Lunch: at "Ace's"*
Crispy chicken sandwich with tomato, lettuce and mayo
Curly fries, dipped in "Horsey Sauce"
Unsweetened iced tea

Snack: 1 grapefruit

Dinner: Trader Joe's chicken masala microwave meal

Later: at 101 Cafe
1 side order of potato salad and some mooched sweet potato fries

"Lost" club: 2 vodka-and-soda-waters
Some bites of delicious Trader Joe's guacamole, with tortilla chips (thanks, BFD!)

* "Ace's" is a nickname for a certain fast food chain. A favorite of Jeff's. Can you guess which one?


Blogger Zachary said...


1:16 PM  
Blogger Jack said...

Burger King.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Jack said...


2:40 PM  
Blogger juterug said...

Congrats to Zachkay and She-Hubbs -- it was Arby's! As a prize, I will send you both vouchers for a meal at McDonald's.

2:53 PM  
Blogger Jack said...

Roy Rogers!

9:15 PM  
Blogger SC said...

Is it a Massachusetts thing to hate Arby's? He-Hubbs raised this point once, because Bay Staters have access to good roast beef. Thoughts? Also, I just realized FoodReporter is 40% Massholes.

10:23 PM  
Blogger Zachary said...

I don't know if there are different kinds of Arby's in different places (I say this because Friendly's is really shitty in the Boston area, but once you get to western Mass, the Friendly's there are great, and then, in the mid-west of the country, Friendly's is like the best restaurant in the state), but all of the Arby's I've seen are mad depressing. I remember one in Phoenix that was particularly sad. I did, however, eat at Arby's twice in two days when I was in Salt Lake City.

7:40 AM  
Blogger mdp said...

When I was really little, my parents would often drive me to Arby's and then as soon as we were inside my dad would open his pocket and point to a rotting filthy clump of raw ground meat then kind of breathing heavily whisper into my ear to "GO" and then they would drive me directly to McDonald's and give me a Bartley's hamburger. I bet a lot of people in Massachusetts are into this kind of conditioning.

8:01 AM  
Blogger juterug said...

Arby's is definitely a grim sort of place. For a long time Jeff would go there by himself and I would make fun of it/him, but then I finally went with him one time and I thought the food was pretty awesome.

On that weblog "The Saddest Thing I Own" (nice find, SDB!) the posts are all "This is a picture of my beloved mother who my stepdad shot to death" and then there is one that's just: "Arby's." I think we all know what that person is talking about.

8:40 AM  
Blogger Zachary said...

We all sort of "own" Arby's. I own 300,000,000 shares of Arby's.

9:41 AM  

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