Let's get the formalities out of the way
Dearest Food Friends,
Firstly, thank you for welcoming my food thoughts into your homes and into your hearts. It is a great honor to be named the first guest foodreporter. I hope to do such a magnificent job during my tenure that this position will be henceforth referred to as the Vali Guest Food Friend. Again, a thousand thank-yous to you all.
In this cherry-popping post I shall address all of the questions posed to me thus far.
1. The last full candy bar I ate was a twix bar (both bars rapidly consumed in succession) last friday.
2. There is no food that I enjoyed as a kid that I no longer enjoy. In fact, I now enjoy many foods that did not enjoy as a kid. One example is mushrooms. Late Lamented Jeffrey Steingarten starts his great collection of Vogue food reporting, "The Man Who Ate Everything," with a chapter on getting over food aversions by repeatedly eating foods until he liked them. It's a great beginning to a great book.
3. If I could only eat one meal in a city in Cambridge I would eat at Pinnochios, in Boston I would eat at Mantra (though I hear the chef has left there and it's no longer as great. Still I had a great graduation dinner there with my family), in New York I would eat in the apartment of a girl I have a crush on, and in Los Angeles I would eat at Beverly Soon Tofu.
4. The best meal I've ever prepared while drunk was actually prepared after SC's first apartment party. After the party died down around 3am, DC and I staggered back to my apartment, fired up the grill and made some fantastic rack of lamb and roasted veetables seasoned with salt, pepper, and rosemary. Both recipies were found in my only cookbook, Alton Brown's "I'm Just Here For the Food: Food + Heat = Cooking." More on that in a moment.
5. Strach is far and away the food friend I would most enjoy having design my diet for a week.
6. I think Alton Brown is fantastic. I know there are those who dislike brown for (a) marring his show with "comedy" bits and (b) "reducing" the art of food appreciation and cooking to a science. However, I think Brown is the only person I've seen who consistantly explains exactly what different cooking techniques do. The abovementioned Brown cooking book is organized by cooking method (e.g., roasting, braising, boiling, etc...) You can cook a steak by boiling it. Brown explains why that won't taste that great. I think he makes great cooking accessible to those of us who aren't food geniuses.
As is customary for me, I will not spell check any of my prose.
Firstly, thank you for welcoming my food thoughts into your homes and into your hearts. It is a great honor to be named the first guest foodreporter. I hope to do such a magnificent job during my tenure that this position will be henceforth referred to as the Vali Guest Food Friend. Again, a thousand thank-yous to you all.
In this cherry-popping post I shall address all of the questions posed to me thus far.
1. The last full candy bar I ate was a twix bar (both bars rapidly consumed in succession) last friday.
2. There is no food that I enjoyed as a kid that I no longer enjoy. In fact, I now enjoy many foods that did not enjoy as a kid. One example is mushrooms. Late Lamented Jeffrey Steingarten starts his great collection of Vogue food reporting, "The Man Who Ate Everything," with a chapter on getting over food aversions by repeatedly eating foods until he liked them. It's a great beginning to a great book.
3. If I could only eat one meal in a city in Cambridge I would eat at Pinnochios, in Boston I would eat at Mantra (though I hear the chef has left there and it's no longer as great. Still I had a great graduation dinner there with my family), in New York I would eat in the apartment of a girl I have a crush on, and in Los Angeles I would eat at Beverly Soon Tofu.
4. The best meal I've ever prepared while drunk was actually prepared after SC's first apartment party. After the party died down around 3am, DC and I staggered back to my apartment, fired up the grill and made some fantastic rack of lamb and roasted veetables seasoned with salt, pepper, and rosemary. Both recipies were found in my only cookbook, Alton Brown's "I'm Just Here For the Food: Food + Heat = Cooking." More on that in a moment.
5. Strach is far and away the food friend I would most enjoy having design my diet for a week.
6. I think Alton Brown is fantastic. I know there are those who dislike brown for (a) marring his show with "comedy" bits and (b) "reducing" the art of food appreciation and cooking to a science. However, I think Brown is the only person I've seen who consistantly explains exactly what different cooking techniques do. The abovementioned Brown cooking book is organized by cooking method (e.g., roasting, braising, boiling, etc...) You can cook a steak by boiling it. Brown explains why that won't taste that great. I think he makes great cooking accessible to those of us who aren't food geniuses.
As is customary for me, I will not spell check any of my prose.
Vali, great first post, off to a glorious start.
What food staple would it be most difficult for you remove from your diet?
Name a fruit, meat, soda, and candy you despise.
I have a teleporter, and can send you anywhere in the world for dinner. Where will you go, what will you have?
What was your favorite meal in the Harvard dining halls?
I'm sorry my question wasn't important enough for you to answer. Should I just crawl into a hole and die so I won't bother you, or would that not really make a big difference at all to you?
I have a food replicator from Star Trek Next Generation, what do you order and how do you order it?
V, describe a work of art that inspired or affected your eating.
V., in my family we often took to calling Ramen Noodles "Trash Noodles." Do you have any cute food nicknames?
Based on what you've read of the diets of each food reporter, which food reporter would you eat?
V, along the lines of "Salt," "Cod," and "History of the World In Six Glasses," what foodstuff would you most like to read a book about?
V, is there any food you are embarrassed about how much you like it?
Remember after some lampoon thing when you were cooking steaks really late at night and then Nechita just started eating a lot of dirty raw meat? I don't even know if you were there, I just know Nechita does that all the time.
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