At home:
Orange juice
Boston Billiards:
3 small watermelon slices
1 breakfast sausage
1 French Toast quarter piece
1 Coors Light
Fenway Park:
1 small Dunkin Donuts coffee with ample cream and sugar
2 Coors Lights
1 Fenway Frank with mustard and ketchup
Flat Patties:
Cheesburger, no sauce
Some of my sis's fries
Tommy Doyle's:
1 and 2/3s 19.5 oz. Magner's ciders
Family Dinner at home:
Baked ham, with Old Cape Cod spicy honey mustard
2 pieces, Trader Joe's Corn Bread
Boston baked beans
3 cored pineapple chunks
1 glass, German wine from Trader Joe's
2 small scoops, Espresso Chip ice cream
NOTES: Wonderful day of eating. A girl tried to disguise herself and use the men's bathroom at Fenway, but was unmasked and taunted. Thanks to all who recommended Flat Patties, I was completely satisfied. I am a huge fan of Magner's cider, which in Ireland is known as Bulmer's - the smell of the alley behind the Bulmer's factory is one of the most distinct and lovely I have encountered in my travels. My mother claims that you should only buy German wine that says "mit Predikat" on it, because this means "it's certified." She speaks no German.
Orange juice
Boston Billiards:
3 small watermelon slices
1 breakfast sausage
1 French Toast quarter piece
1 Coors Light
Fenway Park:
1 small Dunkin Donuts coffee with ample cream and sugar
2 Coors Lights
1 Fenway Frank with mustard and ketchup
Flat Patties:
Cheesburger, no sauce
Some of my sis's fries
Tommy Doyle's:
1 and 2/3s 19.5 oz. Magner's ciders
Family Dinner at home:
Baked ham, with Old Cape Cod spicy honey mustard
2 pieces, Trader Joe's Corn Bread
Boston baked beans
3 cored pineapple chunks
1 glass, German wine from Trader Joe's
2 small scoops, Espresso Chip ice cream
NOTES: Wonderful day of eating. A girl tried to disguise herself and use the men's bathroom at Fenway, but was unmasked and taunted. Thanks to all who recommended Flat Patties, I was completely satisfied. I am a huge fan of Magner's cider, which in Ireland is known as Bulmer's - the smell of the alley behind the Bulmer's factory is one of the most distinct and lovely I have encountered in my travels. My mother claims that you should only buy German wine that says "mit Predikat" on it, because this means "it's certified." She speaks no German.
This seems like an absolutely perfect day of eating and eating-accompanied activities.
Also, you saw an amazing game.
yes, the game was awesome, and the dudes in the bleachers were as marvelously drunk as one could hope.
People booed carl everett but no one through a dinosaur toy at him as I hoped they might.
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