Wednesday, April 19, 2006

I visit Grandpa

One piece of Trader Joe's cornbread
Orange juice
Small cup of homemade Dunkin' Donuts coffee with cream and sugar

Small salad with Italian dressing (I picked out the onions as is my wont)
Rigatone Abruzzi (rigatone with sausages and green peppers). Grandpa had same.
1 roll dipped in olive oil/garlic sauce
1 glass of house white wine

Legal Seafoods:
1 cup clam chowder w/oyster crackers
Fish & Chips
1 glass Geyser Peak sauvignon

NOTES: Bertucci's was a compromise with my Grandpa, who's favorite restaurant is a Chinese buffet on the South Shore that is just filthy. He likes to admire the way Chinese people can take apart a whole fish with chopsticks. Dubs, study them. Surely Legal has the finest of all chowders, despite the lack of bits of bacon. Has anyone ever tried grilling fish on a plank of wood, ideally some aromatic type, on a grill? This seems to be Legal's big deal these days.


Blogger mdp said...

Legal's chowder is good. They have even served it at the White House, as they like to remind you. I've heard that the original owners there were real assholes. I think my dad told me that when he was in college, the Legal people burned down their first restaurant (in Porter Square?) for the insurance money, and did a bunch of other shitty things that annoyed people. I will try to confirm this story that I may have just made up.

7:27 AM  
Blogger Zachary said...

All I know is that the current owner, Roger Berkowitz, (possibly a descendant of the original owners?) is quite a conscientious philanthropist.

7:43 AM  
Blogger mdp said...

Research seems to suggest that Roger Berkowitz is the son of the original founder and owner. I don't know much about Rog, except that my sister may have briefly dated his son? Anyway, no more details except to say that what I've heard is that Cambridge residents weren't fond of the original owner. Given the popularity of What I Ate, I may be sued for libel (and my sister is going to be sooo embarrassed).

9:08 AM  
Blogger Zachary said...

For those of you who have seen Lampy Treasurer Ross Arbes' NY journal, you will remember that I saw Roger Berkowitz coming out of the bathroom at LaGuardia when I took Arbes to New York.

9:48 AM  
Blogger SC said...

Yeah, I thought that Inman Square burning on the Legal Seafoods Time Wave seemed suspicious.

10:43 AM  

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