Thursday, June 29, 2006

2006 June 28

Peanut Butter & Jelly

Sullivan Street Bakery
Panini "PMB" - This is a sandwich not unlike a BLT made with pancetta, mango, and some chili pepper served on flauto bread. According to New York magazine, plans exist to phase in tomatoes once sufficiently delicious tomatoes are found. In the meanwhile, the sandwich is totally awesome.
Ciabatta grande
Mmm brand dulce de leche
I am some kind of genius! I am so good at eating!
Arizona Green Tea Energy Drink
A bite of SSB zucchini pizza
Two Smidgens
I also had some 'grino, but I don't monitor water

Trader Joe's Triple Shot Mocha
Barilla tri-color rotini with garlic sauce and romano cheese
Pre-made eggplant cutlets
One more Triple Shot
Four Pabst Blue Ribbon


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