Thursday, March 30, 2006

Guest Ingest: Wednesday

In keeping with SC's request, a little more commentary.

1 bowl Cheerios, 1% milk
Corn bread, toasted
I always try to fully consume whatever I buy or prepare. As such, you will continue to see this corn bread listed every morning until the over-large batch I made Monday is gone.

1 can Diet Pepsi
I think I drink my two daily DP's mostly because they are free in my office. Otherwise, it would just be more bottled water, of which I consume probably 80 to 100 oz. a day.

Dil-E-Punjab deli
1 vegetarian lunch box, containing:
some lentil thing
some chickpea thing
some spinach thing
1 can Diet Pepsi
Dil-E-Punjab, on 9th Ave, is a deli of the sort frequented almost exclusively by cab drivers. A very large quantity of food was only $4.50, though I was somewhat taken aback when my order, after being placed in a styrofoam box, was microwaved; I was under the impression that microwaving styrofoam releases posion gases or something. Anyway, it was good.

Sony Studios craft services
1 chocolate peanut butter chip cookie
2 cups coffee
Consumed more out of boredom than hunger, while watching a game show pilot taping. (An updated version of the Bill Cullen classic Chain Reaction.)

Then, a tragedy. After work I tried to go to Shake Shack. I got there at about 6:25, only to find that they had closed at 6:00. 6:00?! What kind of restaurant closes at 6:00pm? Confused and hungry, I ended up at Mandler's. A totally insufficient fallback.

1 knockwurst, sauerkraut
2 cups Diet Coke

Then, my inaugural visit to Trader Joe's, as will be evidenced in food reportage to come.

1 Aleve


Blogger Jack said...

I've been meaning to get some concrete data sets for my water consumption - I have a rough idea of what I drink, much higher in the summer, but I want some real numbers on paper. I guess this isn't the kind of thing that people normally ask their friends, but do any of you guys have any spreadsheets on your water intake?

8:51 AM  
Blogger SC said...

I'd love for you to compile everybody's numbers, work some comparative graphs. Early prediction is that Junior takes the cake.

9:15 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

I agree on Junior, although, on my best day, I probably take in 8+ liters. On a typical day, when it's not too hot, I'm afraid I might only drink about 2 or 3, which I don't like, because I'm a big believer in drinking as much water as possible.

Schoboats, re: Mandler's, I'm sorry you had to do that, but Mandler's isn't a bad little place. It's just not really full blown dinner food.

9:34 AM  
Blogger Jack said...

Regardless, this idle specualation, this rough mental finger-counting of glasses of varying sizes is not going to fly any more.

Not once I get my data.

9:36 AM  
Blogger schoboats said...

My water estimate was only for work hours. (I must drink water more or less constantly while at my desk.) Actual full-day consumption harder to pin down. But I drink a lot. I hope that kidneys aren't like Brita filters, worn out with excessive use.

Mandler's is fine. I like Mandler's. But when I was all geared up for SS, it proved a disappointment.

12:12 PM  

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