Saturday, May 06, 2006

5/5/06 - First Day of Work!


Regular coffee, black, from CB&TL

Hummus and pita from a place called Hollywood Pita on Sunset (Pretty bad, but they gave me a ton so I'll probably be eating it for days)

Eggplant moussaka, spinach and artichoke dip
Homemade flatbread
2 glasses Coastal Peak chardonnay

1 cup home brewed espresso, black, for rallying

At 3rd Stop, a Belgian beer bar (run by a Frenchman!)
1 Delirium Tremens (I've been waiting a long time to try this beer. To my undiscerning palate it tastes basically like every other Belgian beer)
Some sips of a raspberry lambic
1 Lost Coast Great White (Not as Hoegaarden-y as promised*)

1 glass Carmenet chardonnay

*A piece of dialogue that took place between me and the bartender:

Strach: I'd like something--
Bartender (nods, condescending): Light?

What a jerk! And then it took a lot of insistence on my part to get him to even tell me the name of the beer he was going to give me. As if I don't need to post that information on a blog!


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