Friday, May 12, 2006

Beyond Beat Reporting

Fontana Investigates!: SC's Fridge
By Strach Fontana, Investigative Journalist

SC went on vacation and kindly offered up some of his perishables for the taking. I saw this not only as an opportunity for free food, but for the kind of hard line journalism that made me famous. (This list is not exhaustive, but what I could remember after I got home.)

Orange juice
Grapefruit juice (which I took)
Some mango/passion/something juice
A bunch of beers

2 different packages of sausage

Shredded cheeses
Smoked Gouda (which I took)

Fruits and vegetables:
None (can this be true?)

Wheat bread

Condiments and spreads:
Taco sauce
Tangy seafood sauce
Hummus (which I took)

Some stuff in Tupperware

Something indistinguishable (salmon?) wrapped in saran and very moldy

Chocolate covered espresso beans
Enormous bag, Reese's Pieces
A chocolate bar

So, SC, it's time for answers: Are delicious chocolate candies overrepresented in your fridge, or underrepresented in your reporting?


Blogger Jack said...

My, this is much more exciting than hearing first-hand accounts of fridge contents! If I have several spare hours, I hope to give a reckoning of the contents and conditions of the 11th St. Boys' kitchen where mPod manages somehow to make his meals, much like that rose in Spanish Harlem.

7:09 PM  
Blogger SC said...

I'm surprised to learn I had two packages of sausages. I'm very bad about keeping track of what I don't need to buy.

Isn't there a box of Junior Mints in the very back?

I always think I want candy, but once some candy has been in my house for more than a few days, it loses its novelty and luster.

7:48 AM  
Blogger Zachary said...

A quick inventory of our kitchen will indeed shed some light on how Mattpod concocts his famous "4 month old pad-thai, chicken carcass, and spoiled milk stew".

8:25 AM  

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