Saturday, March 18, 2006

2006 March 17

St. Patrick's Day, Evacuation Day

Salt bagel with cream cheese
Large coffee with milk, sugar

12oz Sunkist Orange - (I drank the whole thing)
Balance Gold Crunch Crunchy Peanut Butter

Corned beef
Mashed potatoes - (Get it?)

Some Ghirardelli mint milk chocolate

Pommes Frites regular with Irish curry sauce - (Whee hee hee hee!)

Mountain Dew

No Malice Palace

Mercer Street
Pabst Blue Ribbon beer
Natural Ice

Three Pabst Blue Ribbon beers (two?)

11th St Purim
2 16oz Bud Lights
White chocolate with hazelnut

I ate some themed foods today - in the end, themed around two religious festivals devoted to decadence and hedonism. When I was a baby living in Ireland back in 1981, my mother tells me that when we went to the bar, I knew how to order myself an "orange" - how you order orange soda in Ireland. Humourously, I was challenged to drink an orange today. And I did. In honor of both my brothers in the North Six and my hopes for their freedom, and also in respect of the right of the Protestant to worship as they see fit in Ireland, though their understanding of our salvation be false. Let us all green, orange, Purim, and everyone lift a glass to each other today!


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