Thursday, April 06, 2006

Jameson Experiment continues

Melted smoked gouda on crusty French baguette chunks. I will not apologize for eating something this European and delicious.
Irish coffee (Capresso cappuccino with Jameson shot). The effect of Jameson for breakfast seems to be making my morning rituals seem trivial and distant, and to make my brain a little fuzzy.

Sampling from Indian spread, mostly naan and chicken tiki masala. Mrs. V. Danger has ruined me for crappy Indian food.
1 can Coke.
3 Hershey's Kissables.

1 bag, cheddar cheese Goldfish.

1 Congo Bilgewater. FoodAssociate Yank and I have taken to having cocktails and watching The O'Reilly Factor at my home every day at 6. Any LA FoodFriends or Associates are invited to join.

Bermuda fish chowder. I had a pound of leftover tilapia, because I don't understand how to buy food. But it paid off. I used this recipe.
Once prepared, I added a shot of (Whaler's) dark rum to my bowl, as the Internet would indicate is Bermudan custom. This was incredibly delicious and quite spicy. The best thing I've ever made. Eaten with a few chunks of crusty French bread.
3/4 bottle Jacob's Creek riesling.
3 scoops vanilla bean ice cream.


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