Monday, April 03, 2006

Saturday Fun!

One (Trader Joe's) Home Browns hash brown. This was my last one, and it looked a bit pale, but after slow frying with salt and pepper, it turned in to the best hash brown I've ever had. Farewell, hash browns!
One shot glass of leftover Calvados
Irish coffee (Capresso cappuccino with Jameson)

Philly Steak combo at Phil's in the Farmer's Market. Delicious.
1 bottle, Dr. Brown's root beer.

Dinner at El Cholo:
Lots of chips and salsa
Half a plate of steak fajitas. I discarded most of the onions, which are always in far too much of a quantity for my tastes.
A few bites of a beef tamale
Three glasses of margarita, on the rocks.

2 glasses of white wine. Charles Shaw? It was determined and demonstrated that five minutes is the right amount of time for four people to drink a bottle of wine.
Some beers?


Blogger Jack said...

Have you thought about doing a week with one serving of Jameson with breakfast every day and documenting the effect?

10:52 AM  
Blogger SC said...

you're on! I start tomorrow.

4:17 PM  
Blogger Jack said...

Awesome! I love science!

Here's a food science experiment that my roommate Jason and I tried:

If you put an egg in the freezer, it does solidify. Hooray!

4:39 PM  

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