Friday, May 19, 2006

A Lot of Food and a 6 Mile Walk

Thursday, 5/18

4 mini milky way and milky way dark
Chicken in some kind of coconut milk curry thing. Green beans, broccoli, lettuce, white roll w/ butter, chocolate chip cookie, OJ.

Chocolate chip cookie, 3 sips of EdenSoy chocolate milk. Someone told me soy chocolate milk is better than regular skim milk if you have high cholesterol and that it tastes great. It tastes terrible. Also, I only got it because there was no regular chocolate milk.

My boss made me go up to 100th and B'way so that I could watch him play some women's table tennis world champion. She beat him 3 games to 2, but she was using her left hand (her weak hand). Anyway, the point is that then it was raining so my boss took me to dinner at the Metro Diner across the street.

1 Heineken.
Steak Frites, w/ green beans and carrots.

Then I walked home from 100th and B'way, in dress shoes. The park was nice, but this proved to be a wretched mistake.

1/2 glass chocolate milk.
1 Hefeweisen at Radio Perfecto.
4 Stella Artois at Blue and Gold.


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