Thursday, August 31, 2006

I miss The Wrap

The fact that it's now called Boloco and the only way to get there is by crossing a futuristic toll bridge from the landscaped island in the center of Lampoon Plaza only adds insult to injury.

But today, I vowed to stop whining and start doing something about it. And tonight, I ate the unthinkable: a homemade The Wrap buffalo chicken wrap. For serious.

First, I boiled a packet of Success Rice for like 35 minutes. Liz claimed the fan in our living room was responsible for the long wait, and indeed, turning it off made a huge difference. I have no idea why this happened because I got a D in my Science B course. Meanwhile, I medium-heated a Mission flour tortilla in a skillet, sprinkling cheddar cheese* all up and down its left side. SIMULTANEOUSLY, I microwaved a reusable tub of Butterball pre-cooked chicken strips.

Friends, that was only the beginning.

When everything finished cooking at the exact same time, because of awesomeness, I spread half the packet of rice and all the chicken strips onto the tortilla's non-cheesy hemicircle. Then I positively slathered the whole thing in Frank's Red Hot Buffalo Wing Sauce -- which, I.M.H.O., is by far the best such product on the market -- and, dare I say, WRAPPED it all up. In a wrap. It was pretty good.

Afterward, I finished off the leftover rice, adding a little Kikkoman for flavor. And that, friends, is "What I Ate!"

I also had a salad.


Blogger doogs said...

*I realize The actual Wrap used blue cheese, not cheddar cheese. Please stop flooding me with angry e-mails.

9:01 PM  
Blogger SC said...

What a great idea! Your next assignment: homemade slice of terrible Tommy's pizza and a homemade Canty Kool-Aid.

3:34 PM  
Blogger doogs said...

I actually did try to make Canty Kool-Aids once, at our moving-out party last December, using the absolute bottomest of shelf Potter's Amaretto and Potter's Melon Liqueur. It smelled like glass cleaner and tasted like Benadryl. I finished off almost the entire pitcher.

10:14 AM  

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